Halifax Oral Hygiene/Cleaning

Oral Hygiene/Cleaning

A healthy smile should last a lifetime, but like anything else, preserving the beauty of your teeth requires care. Regular brushing and flossing will go a long way to protect your teeth, but it is also important to regularly have your teeth cleaned and polished by a dental hygienist.

Oral Hygiene/Cleaning

Regular appointments are vital for good health, preventive dentistry, x-rays, cleaning, scaling, polishing, fluoride, proper brushing/flossing education

Oral Cancer Visual Screening - looking for lumps, lesions

When you come in to see us for a cleaning, the dental hygienist will begin by cleaning your teeth and removing plaque and tartar build up. Then they will polish the surface of your teeth to remove stains and they may treat your teeth with fluoride. Finally they will check your teeth and gums for any signs of disease.

As part of your regular cleaning visit, we will examine your mouth and gums for early signs of gum disease and oral cancer, such as bumps and discolouration in your mouth tissue.

We may also take X-rays of your mouth to check the health and structure of your teeth roots and the bones in your jaw.


If during the oral screening we detect tissue that may be cancerous, we will need to take a sample of the tissue that can then be tested for cancer cells. If a biopsy is necessary we will remove a sample of tissue from the suspected area, and then send the sample to be tested.

Book your cleaning appointment with us today by calling our office at 902-443-1835

Watch videos about Oral Hygiene/Cleaning:

Brushing Preventative Brushing Flossing Preventative Flossing Scaling Periodontal Disease Scaling Regular Dental Visits Preventative Regular Dental Visits